Submit your Summer 2025 Application here.
Who You Are
You are an undergraduate or high-school student who shares our core values.
You want to invest your summer in the success of others.
You are eager to receive coaching to become the teacher your students deserve.
When You Will Teach
Aurora, Colorado: May 29 - July 15
Denver, Colorado: June 11 - July 28
Maryland, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island: June 25 - August 8
Washington D.C.: June 12 - August 1
The GT Summer Teaching Fellowship
Complete 30 hours of pre-summer preparation and 7 days of in-person training to get ready to teach on day 1.
Teach elementary- or middle-school students for 24 days in a GT STEAM Academy.
Receive daily feedback and collaborate with your colleagues.
Application Information
We offer monthly deadlines on the 15th of each month beginning November 15. You will have a decision within 4 weeks of submission.
The final Colorado deadline for summer 2025 is April 15, 2025; the final New England and Mid-Atlantic deadline is May 15, 2025.
You must be 17 years old or older by April 15, 2025.
You may be a high-school 11th or or 12th grader or a college freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or recent graduate (within 18 months).
You must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or lawful permanent resident to apply.
We provide funding ranging from $4,800 to $5,000 (depending on length and location) for your AmeriCorps Summer Teaching Fellowship.
Funding includes a taxed, cash living allowance of $3,035 to $3,435 (depending on length and location) to be deposited in your bank account in five installments and a $1,565.08 AmeriCorps Education Award after the successful completion of the fellowship.
By completing the fellowship, you are eligible to earn three undergraduate credit hours from the University of Colorado - Denver for a reduced cost.
Do I need experience?
No experience required! Summer Teaching Fellows come from a range of majors; only 25% are majoring or minoring in education.
You will complete training to create a community with your colleagues, develop strategies for building relationships, learn instructional strategies, and practice teaching.
What will I teach?
You will teach one academic class (engineering, law, math, or reading) and one enrichment class (art, fitness & movement, games, or team sports). We provide engaging curricula for your academic class and guidance for your enrichment class.
How is the GT Fellowship unique?
In a GT Teaching Fellowship, you are the teacher. From day one, you will greet your students at the classroom door and welcome them to your class. You will teach academic and enrichment classes.
Your leaders will support you. Your experience will shape your career goals, introduce you to the rigors of a teaching career, and connect you with peers and mentors who will inspire you for a lifetime.
▶︎ Do I need to submit official transcripts?
No, please submit unofficial transcripts unless you have official transcripts readily available. We do not want you to spend money securing transcripts for your application. If you do not have easy access to unofficial transcripts, please feel free to submit screenshots of your grades from your college portal. If you do not have college grades yet, you may submit a copy of your high-school report card.
▶︎ My recommender hasn’t completed the recommendation yet. Will my application still be reviewed? Will the delay affect how favorably my application is reviewed?
We understand recommenders are very busy and that you are not responsible for their schedules. Please submit your application as soon as you are finished. Please log into the GT Portal to send a reminder to your recommender. While we will not offer a fellowship until we receive the recommendation, we will review your application and notify you if you are advanced to an interview. A delayed recommendation will neither negatively affect nor delay the review of your application.
▶︎ How competitive is the selection process?
We select fewer than 50% of applicants. However, that doesn't mean we're not looking for YOU. We prioritize candidates local to the communities we serve.
▶︎ Can I submit separate applications to each city?
Please submit only one application. You will be asked to indicate your preferred city and whether you would like to be considered for other cities.
▶︎ I don't live in the cities GT serves, but I really want to teach. Do you provide housing?
We do not provide housing. We encourage you to connect with local fellows to identify summer housing options. You can find more information about housing and transportation here.
▶︎ Who are my students?
You will teach rising kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth-grade students from our district and charter partner schools. Our students enroll voluntarily and have a wide range of academic preparation.
Programming is offered in Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Washington DC.
▶︎ Who will my colleagues be?
You will learn and teach alongside 31-35 other undergraduate and high-school fellows from across the city and country, all selected through a competitive application process and committed to Generation Teach's mission.
▶︎ How big are my classes?
You will teach classes of 10-15 students. You may have a partner Teaching Fellow and alternate between lead teaching and support roles.
▶︎ Are there policies regarding work outside of the GT Fellowship? I am wondering whether I can balance part-time work with the demands of the fellowship.
The GT Summer Teaching Fellowship is a rigorous program that demands a high level of commitment, engagement, and preparation. Because your experience as a fellow and our success as a program depend on everyone's full investment, additional commitments outside of the fellowship are strongly discouraged.
▶︎ My college offers summer internship funding. Can GT sign my paperwork to confirm I have completed the program and met the requirements?
Yes! We are happy to help you with your paperwork.